Forsaken Isle Wiki

A full health meter.

Health is the amount of life a character has left. When the player loses all health, it dies. Depending on the difficulty level set upon world-creation, different things happen upon death.

Losing Health


Enemies may deal damage to the player. Not all enemies deal damage on contact; some may also shoot projectiles, which cause damage, or spawn minions to deal damage for the enemy. The amount of damage dealt may be kept to a bare minimum by wearing armor, and killing the enemies.


For more information about the hunger mechanics, see Hunger.

The player may also lose health because the player's hunger bar has depleted. When this happens, the player loses 1 HP over time. The only way to counteract this is by eating regularly and by not letting the hunger bar deplete through those means.


There are currently two debuffs in Forsaken Isle that decrease your Health.



Poisoning is a debuff inflicted on the player by the Small Spider[unofficial] Snake[unofficial]. Poisoning may also be caused by eating Raw Meat sRaw Meat, Raw Spider Meat sRaw Spider Meat or Raw Chicken sRaw Chicken. The poisoning debuff causes the player to lose 1 HP over time. The icon displayed to the right of this will be shown on the top-right corner of the screen.



Bleeding is a debuff inflicted on the player by the Bat[unofficial]. The bleeding debuff causes the player to lose 2 HP over time, making it more dangerous than poisoning, as twice the damage may be done in the same time. The icon displayed to the right of this will be shown on the top-right corner of the screen.

Regaining Health

Health does not regenerate automatically. Regaining health can only be done by the use healing items. These items restore a varying amount of health to the player. One should always carry these items on them if possible for that reason.

Type Item (Healing Value)
Bandages Bandage
Bandage (+10)
Cloth Bandage
Cloth Bandage (+25)
Potions Potion of Healing
Potion of Healing (+25)

See Also

Additional Game Mechanics
